What fascinates me the most in Vienna is the thing that most fascinates the Viennese.
I am an American and so, like any true blood American, I like ice. I-C-E. In everything I drink, practically. My colleagues ask me: "Doesn't the ice burn your throat?" "How can you drink water with ice in the winter?" Or as each cube drops into the glass, they just nod their heads and say, in a rather sad and pathetic tone: "American."
Until I arrived at the International Press Institute there was never ice in the ice tray in the fridge. Hell, the ice tray wasnever even in the fridge! That's now all changed. In fact, I was so desperate for ice one day that I filled this ice tray only to find out when I was trying to get the ice out that it was actually an egg tray. Who knew?
What amazes me, however, about Austrians is their lack of courtesy, the need to eat bread every morning right from their hands (no napkin or anything else) and the love of scarfs -- even in 72-degree weather. And one more thing -- the inability to curse someone out. If an Austrian is mad, they might call you a bloudy coo (bloody cow). In my country, we say, "Fuck you."
But, thank God I am not in London where if you bump your elbow the common cure is tea.
"Darling, your ear hurts? Let's have a cup of tea."
"Oh, you poor bloke. Your husband left you? I'll put on a cup of tea."
Tea might be great and all, but I will take a glass of ice covered with good old Coca Cola or Sprite any day.
05 May 20010
11:07 p.m.
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